Posted on 3rd November 2020 at 12:55
One of the positive aspects of the lockdown this year was the fact that parents did not have to worry so much about the safety of their children near roads, due to the near absence of traffic. However as the country gradually returns to normal, this, as well as access to Kennington schools, is of great concern once more. It is a topic that has pre-occupied myself and colleagues hugely in the last twelve months or so.
We are working closely with Kennington Academy and Downs View Primary to definitively address the key areas of drop-off and pick-up parking; congestion at the start and close of the school day; traffic flow along roads in the proximity of the schools. Most importantly, the safety of pupils walking alongside and across these roads is being reviewed.
A number of potential solutions are being looked at, including the purchase or re-purposing of land for parking. Another possibility is to introduce traffic restrictions along Ulley Road. New one-way systems may be an answer too. All these will need the support of KCC highways.
Both schools would greatly appreciate crossing patrols, which will be discussed with the county council. However any potential volunteers to operate these would be much appreciated! Please contact us, via the Clerk if you would like to offer your services, or if you would like to offer any positive input to the debate.
You can contact the Clerk on : 07928 824482 or email:
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